Board meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 6:00 pm.
NEW YORK STATUTE - NOTICE OF MEETINGS: If a meeting is scheduled at least a week in advance, notice must be given to the public and the news media not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting. Notice to the public must be accomplished by posting in one or more designated public locations. When a meeting is scheduled less than a week in advance, notice must be given to the public and the news media "to the extent practicable" at a reasonable time prior to the meeting. Again, notice to the public must begiven by means of posting.
If you would like to address (a specific topic with) the Village Board, please contact the Village Clerk/Mayor at 226-8118 by noon on Wednesday prior to the scheduled Board meeting to request a time slot on the agenda. The mayor will review the topics and create the agenda accordingly. Appointments may be made to discuss a particular topic if deemed appropriate. Only items on the agenda will be discussed at the meeting. The Board may choose to discuss another topic by a majority vote. Otherwise, the topic will be tabled and added to the next scheduled meeting agenda.
Public Comment: Public comment, at the Village Board’s discretion, will be held at the end of the meeting when regular business has been completed. Guests are asked, upon being recognized by the mayor, to introduce themselves, state their address and identify the organization they are representing (if any) and will have an opportunity to speak for 3minutes. This time limit will be strictly enforced, and guests may not yield their time to another speaker. The Board will listen to your comments but will refrain from commenting until they have had an opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on what has been said. If your comments require follow-up or a response from the Board, appropriate action or follow-up will be taken. All speakers are to conduct themselves in a civil manner. Obscene language, libelous statements, threats of violence, statements advocating racial, religious, or other forms of prejudice will not be tolerated. If preferred, you may submit your comments in writing to the Village Clerk by noon on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled meeting. These comments will then be forwarded to the Board in their next meeting packet.
NEW YORK STATE STATUE - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussions regarding the following topics are considered executive session material: - Matters which will imperil public safety if disclosed. - Matters which may disclose the identify of a law enforcement agency or informer. - Information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of criminal offense. - Discussions regarding proposed, pending, or current litigation. - Collective negotiations - The medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation. - The preparation, grading, or administration of examinations. - The proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of securities, or sale or exchange of securities held by such a public body, but only when publicity would substantially affect the value thereof.
Agenda for upcoming meeting to be posted Thursdays prior to meeting.
Q: What election district am I in? A: For Village elections - there is only one district and one polling place, the Village Office 74 Genesee Street.
Q: What time are the poles open for Village Elections? A: 12 noon to 9 pm.
Q: Do you accept Credit Cards? A: No - cash or checks. Please make checks payable to The Village of Avon.
Q: When is brush pickup? A: Each Monday from April to October.
Q: What type of brush is allowed? A: Please see notice on the website under the Public Works tab. Q: When is leaf pickup? A: Starts in October and continues as the weather permits.
Q: How do I reserve a park pavilion? A: Contact the Village Office to confirm availability, complete the reservation form (Click here for form) rental fee is $25. There are two pavilions available: North - closest to the driveway; South closest to the playground.
.Q: When am I billed for water/sewer? A: The combined bill is billed four times a year as follows:
February and covers the months of November, December and January
May and covers the months of February, March and April
August and covers the months of May, June and July
November and covers the months of August, September and October
Q: When are dump days? A: They are held 4 times a year. Check with the Avon Town Clerk for current dates.
Q: Who do I call to report a street light out? A: Please contact the Village Office at 585-226-8118 and provide the pole number and the closest address.
The Village tax rate is effective in June of each year. To calculate your individual taxes, divide your assessment by 1000 and multiply by the tax rate.
The Village tax rate for 2024 is $5.172692.
Taxes are due by June 30th and will incur a penalty after that time. Please make your check payable to the Village of Avon Christine Quinlan, Treasurer.
Notary available Monday through Friday, 8 am - 4 pm
Identification required
Applicant MUST sign before the notary - do not sign document ahead of time